
Microbe-Lift PL Live Bacteria - 1 Gallon


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Regular price $77.00
Sale price $77.00 Regular price

Keeps ponds clean, clear and balanced!

Microbe-Lift PL is our best selling pond additive. It is highly beneficial for Koi and fish health and overall pond balance.

Specially Formulated for Decorative Fish Ponds, Lagoons & Smaller Water Features

  • Contains photosynthetic bacteria which reduces cloudy water by promoting flocculation (clumping) and settling of organic and inorganic particles.
  • Seeds and maintains biological filters
  • Improves dissolved oxygen levels
  • Digests organic sludge
  • Reduces ammonia nitrogen levels
  • Reduces build-up of bird droppings, fish food, and dead leaves
  • Reduces most noxious odors including hydrogen sulfide
  • Safe for fish and plants
  • Continued biological activity even in water temperatures under 55°F. (12°C.)


Application Rates

Pond Size (Gallons) 1st Application (purge) Next 4 Weeks (once per week) Maintenance (once per month)
80-200 8 oz. 2 oz. 2 oz.
201-500 10 oz. 3 oz. 3 oz.
501-1,000 14 oz. 5 oz. 5 oz.
1,001-1,500 18 oz. 6 oz. 6 oz.
1,501-2,500 24 oz. 8 oz. 8 oz.
2,501-3,500 28 oz. 10 oz. 10 oz.
3,501-5,000 32 oz. 12 oz. 12 oz.
5,001-7,500 40 oz. 16 oz. 16 oz.
7,501-10,000 48 oz. 20 oz. 20 oz.