
Crystal Clear BioClarifier - 96pks.


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Regular price $156.00
Sale price $156.00 Regular price

CrystalClear BioClarifier naturally clears the water, removes odors, and breaks down suspended dead debris and decaying leaves with billions of bacteria colonies and added enzymes. The result is a cleaner pond, happier fish, improved dissolved oxygen levels, and reduced ammonia levels. CrystalClear BioClarifier comes in easy-to-use water-soluble packets and can be used in ponds, fountains, bubblers, and disappearing waterfall features. Use when water temperatures are above 50°F.

Product Features

  • 96 packets
  • Treats up to 96,000 gallons
  • Naturally reduces organic material and sludge
  • Seeds biological filters
  • Safe for fish and plants

Application Rates

CrystalClear® Biological Clarifier™ Dosage Rates
12 Packet
24 Packet
96 packet
300 packet
Application Water-Soluble Packet Water-Soluble Packet Water-Soluble Packet Water-Soluble Packet
Temperature Restriction Above 50°F/10°C Above 50°F/10°C Above 50°F/10°C Above 50°F/10°C
Gallons Treated for
up to 4 months
1,000 2,000 8,000 25,000
Shelf Life 3-Years 3-Years 3-Years 3-Years


Not effective at water temperatures below 50° F (10° C).

Prior to using CrystalClear BioClarifier, these conditions must exist for best results:

  • pH of water maintained between 6.5 and 9   Water temperature above 50° F (10° C)
  • Dissolved oxygen levels above 3 ppm (3 mg/L)