
Pond Logic MuckAway TL (Total Lake) - 36 LBS


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Regular price $563.00
Sale price $563.00 Regular price

MuckAway Total Lake is a superior blend of concentrated natural, beneficial bacteria and enzymes designed to treat an entire lake or pond.


  •  Removes 1 - 2 inches of muck per month

  • Perfect for lake, beaches and shorelines

  • 100% natural and safe for all aquatic & domestic life.

  • Apply monthly when water temperatures are above 10°C

  • Apply 12lbs per 1 Surface Acre.

    Surface Acre = Length x Width / 43,560

    Example: 300' x 300' / 43,560 = 2.07 acres


Eliminate pond muck and sludge that accumulates at the bottom of your lake with Pond Logic® MuckAway™ TL total lake muck reducer. MuckAway™ TL is a special blend of super concentrated natural, beneficial bacteria and enzymes designed to treat an entire lake or pond. MuckAway™ TL tablets go to work on contact to rapidly digest and transform organic waste into an odorless gas that escapes unnoticed out of the water column.

Treat Your Entire Pond or Lake

Pond Logic® MuckAway™ TL may be applied to lakes and ponds used for irrigation and aquaculture. Water treated with MuckAway™ TL may be used for recreation, fishing and other activities immediately after treatment. By reducing excess nutrients and muck from your pond, Pond Logic® MuckAway™ TL eradicates pond odors, helps slow weed growth and keeps your pond water clear and balanced.

Put It On Our Tab

Pond Logic® MuckAway™ TL is delivered in a powerful tablet designed to sink to the pond’s bottom, taking the fight to pond muck’s doorstep.

Fish, Plant & Wildlife Friendly

Pond Logic® MuckAway™ TL is a completely natural product. When used in accordance with label directions MuckAway™ TL is completely safe for your fish, plants, pets and pond wildlife.